Monday, 20 July 2015

Innovative Label Designs to Spice up Your Beer Bottles

The popularity for craft beers and home breweries has welcomed an explosion of original and inventive beer level designs. Let’s have a look at few of them.

When you talk about label designs, wine bottles might gain much of the spotlight. But the current development of home breweries and their growing demand of craft beers are making manufacturers introduce to an all-new world of “beverage level designs”. You have seen the big names of this industry coming up with interesting level designs, but nowadays you can also find the smaller companies following their footsteps.

You might not have heard their names, but there unique and interesting level designs and well as the unique shape and style of those glass bottles in Canada would surely come to your notice and persuade you to get them for your business.

Get noticed with designer glass bottles:

Get your company recognized in the market that is crowded with competitors. Opt for specially designed bottles and customized bottles that makes your company and your products stand out as an exclusive choice among st all those other thousands and hundreds of competitors seen in the market.

Here are some designs that have gone viral in the market:

With rubber labels:

A renowned beer brand brought an incredibly beautiful design to promote their company and make people aware of their product. They made a very unusual approach and produced a kit that includes a rubber stamp, which is different from every type of beer. The combination of handmade designs along with the stamps brings about the feeling of craft beer.

A touch of relieve:

Some companies consider opting for designs that reflect a bit of freshness. These designs not only reflect a fresh flavor, but also represent the people who pull up this drink and the places where these drinks are available. However, every beer bottle is created with intense care; the labels in here are designer and represent the hidden inspiration of the brew. Designs include stuffs like robots, donkeys, daises and cats. These designs are also amazing, just as you find the “beer” to be.


Some companies take inspiration from others and bring something that look much more interesting and exclusive. Some companies today take its inspiration from the beer can popular in Britain. They turn those simple and boring cans into something that is more lively and colourful. They design these cans with illustrations that are really very interesting and amazing.

Innovating with style:

Labels are important for branding your company, but some companies have brought in new and innovative ways of labeling your beer bottle. According to them, why one should keep these bottles wrapped on labels, when they can be printed directly on the glass bottle. They brought in the concept of inking right on the bottle and not any paper that can peel off anytime.

Designs are numerous and so are the ideas, you just need to imply them on your product and make it a star. Beer bottles in Canada are available in varied shapes and label designs. Opt for those to make your product a more popular item in the market.

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